
Women Beware: Most Sanitary Napkins Contain Toxic Ingredients


Most sanitary napkins are made from bleached and recycled papers?

Most sanitary napkins may cause rashes, itchiness, inflammation and even Urinary Tract Inflections(UTI)?  

Most women are prone to a lot of bacterial and vaginal infections during their menstrual period? Untitled-1

The Price You Pay for ‘Clean’ White Sanitary Pads

Did you know that most of the sanitary napkin are made from RECYCLED PAPER and bleached with chlorine compounds that contain trace of the organochlorine – dioxin?

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has named dioxin the most potent carcinogen known to science.

The EPA has also concluded that people with high exposure to DIOXINS may be at risk for other effects that could suppress the immune system, increase the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease, reduce fertility and possibly interfere with normal fetal and childhood development.

As an alternative, Anion Sanitary napkins were recommended by doctors worldwide.

K-Pads Anion Napkins

Benifits of Negative Ions (‘Anions’)

Anion Sanitary Napkins are designed to enhance physical health and mental well-being by emitting negative ions (anions) during use. The negative ion strip embedded in each sanitary pad and baby diaper (coming soon!) is activated by the friction of wearing the pads. The emitted anions can (by the way…guys can wear the pantyliners in their shoes for these benefits):

* Reduce stress
* Alleviate depression
* Boost energy
* Enhance metabolism
* Reduce odour
* Strengthen immunity
* Enhance hormonal balance
* Support the respiratory, cardiovascular, and nervous systems.
* Contribute to eliminating or preventing bacterial infections
The astounding degree to which negative ions can contribute to good health is becoming increasingly apparent, as extensive research on the subject suggests.

Negative ions are in the air that we breathe as well as in our bodies. They are also created anywhere water is moving, such as by rivers, oceans, waterfalls, rainstorms, etc. They neutralize free radicals (positive ions), revitalize cell metabolism and enhance immune function. In addition, they purify the blood and balance the autonomic nervous system, promoting deep sleep and healthy digestion. Negative ions also protect the body and mind from the harmful effects of environmental stressors such as electromagnetic fields. See below for more on the amazing healing properties of negative ions.

In order to ensure our health and well being, it is crucial that we surround ourselves with a sufficient amount of negative ions. In addition to wearing Anion Products, which produce negative ions and may elevate their levels in our bodies, eating clean, healthy, alkaline-producing foods can also increase our negative ion levels. Installing a water fountain or Himalayan salt crystal in your home or office also creates negative ions.

The embedded anionic strip effectively inhibits the survival and duplication of bacteria and viruses which cause vaginitis. Almost all types of female genital inflammation are caused by anaerobic bacteria. When the anionic tape emits the high density of anions, it also produces abundant ionized oxygen to fundamentally change the anaerobic environment, promote biological enzymatic transformation, and balance pH.


Did You Know?

Why Wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass is one of the most potently healthy substances on earth. Yet for some reason it is still not mainstream – even though there are thousands of wheatgrass benefits that are so clear and felt so quickly. Wheatgrass has such an immediate and noticeable effect on how you feel and look because:

Wheatgrass Builds Blood

Many health experts, including Dr Young (pH Miracle) and Steve Meyerowitz (Nature’s Finest Medicine) have highlighted that the chlorophyll molecule in wheatgrass is almost identical to the hemoglobin molecule in human blood. The only difference is that the central element in chlorophyll is magnesium and in hemoglobin it is iron. Due to this inherent similarity the human body can easily transform chlorophyll into hemoglobin increasing the red blood cell count as well as the blood’s capacity to deliver oxygen and other nutrients to the body’s cells (Hagiwara, 1985).

Wheatgrass Cleanses the Body

Wheatgrass is an extremely beneficial food in terms of both its cleansing capabilities. The contents of wheatgrass juice and powder (green drink) are reported to be within the region of approximately 100 separate elements with scientists dubbing it a ‘complete food’. According to ‘The Wheatgrass Book’ (Wigmore, 1985), just 140g of fresh wheatgrass offers the same nutritional value as over 3 kilograms of fresh green vegetables! That’s a great way to get your daily fresh vegetable quota rocking – all from one wheatgrass shot. Wheatgrass is a great source of vitamins B, C, E and carotene, which are hugely effective in destroying and eliminating free radicals and cleansing the body. Wheatgrass is also highly regarded for its ability to cleanse the blood, organs and gastrointestinal tract.

Because it is also high in saponin, wheatgrass offers excellent support to the lymphatic system, helping to carry away hundreds and thousands of toxins from the cells of the body. Kulvinskas (Survival into the 21st Century, 1975) wheatgrass helps to detoxify the body by increasing the elimination of hardened mucous, crystallised acids and solidified, decaying faecal matter. It is the fastest, surest way to eliminate internal waste and provide an optimum nutritional environment.

Wheatgrass Has High Amino Acid Content

You may have heard the expression before that – amino acids are the building blocks of protein. They are absolutely essential to our growth and cell regeneration. It is the astonishingly high amino acid content in wheatgrass that is leading to many bodybuilders and gym-goers incorporating fresh (a wheatgrass shot) or wheatgrass powder into their daily routine. Wheatgrass benefits have so much impact because it is a complete protein and contains amino acids.

Wheatgrass Fights and Protects Against Illness

Organic wheatgrass powders and juices are an extremely effective way of boosting the body’s immune system to fight against and recover from illnesses and ailments. Wheatgrass is a great source of beta carotene, contains most of the B vitamins and vitamins C, E, H and K, and also contains over 90 different minerals and 19 amino acids. It also contains several active enzymes, which play a major role in breaking down fats, undertaking biological functions and assist hugely in weight loss. Of the 90 minerals found, many of these are very alkalizing and include calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and iron. Many of the health benefits of wheatgrass stem from the fact that it is a living food. Being highly anti-bacterial, consuming wheatgrass will help to alkalize and detoxify the lymph and blood cells, helping the body to rebuild and transport toxins out of the body quickly and effectively.

Again, coming back to the chlorophyll content of wheatgrass – this can protect the body from carcinogens more effectively than any other food. Studies conducted on animals have shown that wheatgrass consumption has reduced the absorption of a number of very serious carcinogens whilst strengthening cells, detoxifying the liver and neutralizing polluting elements within the blood.

How and Where to Get Wheatgrass in Your Daily Life? Wheatgrass Supplements!

4Green Supplement by JC Premiere contains Wheat Grass, Malunggay, Ampalaya and Lagundi. These four plants were combined together to create the overall cleansing supplement of the digestive and circulatory system. It helps alkalize and eliminate acidity in our digestive tract. It helps neutralize the toxins in our circulatory system through the high chlorophyll content of these plants. Try and feel the difference of 4Green Supplement by JC Premiere now!


Your Lifestyle

Ways to relieve stress when you have a busy lifestyle.

Find Some Quick Stress Relievers

There are some quick ways to feel better without taking hours you don’t have to do so. Stress relief strategies such as breathing exercises can help you to turn off your body’s stress reaction so you put a halt to chronic stress and can get back to your busy life.

– Take a Walk.
Exercise can be a great stress reliever in itself, as it helps you blow off steam and releases endorphins. Taking a walk when stressed can bring you the benefits of exercise, both short-term and long-term, and it provides the bonus of getting you out of the stressful situation.

– Take a Breath.
Getting more oxygen into your body and releasing physical tension are two ways that breathing exercises can benefit you, and you can do them anytime or anywhere, even if your demanding situation isn’t letting up.

– Take a Mental Break.
If you can steal away a few minutes of peace, visualizations and guided imagery are a wonderful way to restore peace of mind. With practice, you can easily access your “happy place” and quickly feel more calm when stressed.

– Reframe your Situation.
Sometimes we intensify our experience of stressful situations by the way we look at them. If you can look at your situation differently, you may be able to put it into a different perspective–one that causes you less stress.

Get More Sleep In Your Life

When your schedule’s busy, sleep is often the first thing to be cut back, either intentionally or by default. This is unfortunate because it can leave you feeling lethargic and lead to errors that take more time out of your day to correct. It’s important to safeguard your sleep, and how to actually get the sleep you need. Power napping is a great way to supplement your night’s sleep if you just can’t clear your schedule for a full 8 hours per night.

Build Quick Exercise Into Your Schedule

If you’re feeling lethargic, a little exercise will actually leave you more energized, not less. While busy people have a hard time fitting exercise into the schedule, there are some tricks that can help you get the exercise you need without spending hours at the gym, such as breaking up exercise into smaller chunks and spacing them out during your day, when you may naturally have time available.

– Save time by bringing workout shoes to the office and walking during your lunch break.

– Carrying a pedometer that measures how many steps you take in a day doesn’t automatically get you extra exercise, but it helps you track your ‘daily step count’, and keep your mind on how much you’re physically moving, and that alone can be a motivational tool to help you move more.

– Find a sport you like, and take a class.

– Do yoga in the morning. You can sneak in a good workout and score the serenity and other benefits yoga provides at the same time.

– Several mini-workouts can be as effective as one big one. If you have a busy schedule, you may find it much easier to split your workout into smaller chunks. If your work day is long, breaking up the day with several 10-minute workouts can even wake you up and make you more productive.

– If you’re busy, you may feel you can’t afford to spend time exercising. But the truth is, you really can’t afford not to. Not only will exercise give you more energy to accomplish things and help you relieve stress, it can improve your overall health in important ways.

Develop a “Can Do” Attitude

Much of your experience of stress hinges on your attitude and what you tell yourself about your situation. For example, learning how view stress as a ‘challenge’ rather than a threat can leave you feeling more energized. When you believe you can accomplish whatever you try, you’re much more likely to reach your goals than if you have a negative attitude. A positive outlook can energize you. A can-do spirit can supply you with the momentum you need to get through the difficult parts of your day and cost more happily through the fun parts. It’s been proven by research that optimists and positive thinkers are more productive, enjoy better health, are less weighed down by stress, and are generally more successful in life.

Learn To Say No

People have different reasons for being busy, but many people find themselves busy no matter what their circumstances because they have trouble saying no to other people’s demands on their time. If this describes you, I have a simple, three-step plan for getting better at saying yes to a freer schedule and saying no to other people’s demands on your time.

– Be firm, not defensive or overly apologetic, and polite. This gives the signal that you are sympathetic, but will not easily change your mind if pressured.

– If you decide to tell the person you’ll get back to them, be matter-of-fact and not too promising. If you lead people to believe you’ll likely say “yes” later, they’ll be more disappointed with a later “no.”

– If asked for an explanation, remember that you really don’t owe anyone one. “It doesn’t fit with my schedule”, is perfectly acceptable.

– Remember that there are only so many hours in the day. This means that whatever you choose to take on limits your ability to do other things. So even if you somehow can fit a new commitment into your schedule, if it’s not more important than what you would have to give up to do it (including time for relaxation and self care), you really don’t have the time in your schedule.


Beauty Essentials

A Beauty Product That Works Like Magic!

Are you wondering what the rage is about BB creams and how BB creams work? Also known as blemish balms and beauty balms, these creams have recently taken the beauty world (and the United States) by storm. So what is this amazing new product? A blemish balm is a tinted moisturizer with extra benefits. It contains SPF, disguises blemishes, and soothes and moisturizes skin – some versions even contain anti-aging properties! Depending on your needs, BB creams can replace foundation and moisturizer – depending on your skin type, you can wear them completely on their own!

BB Creams were first developed in Germany by a dermatologist who wanted a single cream that would protect skin and provide coverage after laser treatments. The all-in-one formulation became a sensation in South Korea and then spread throughout Asia. A BB cream can help you achieve fuller coverage without having to move up to a heavier foundation that feels like a mask. By itself, a pea-sized dab of BB cream (that’s all you need) can provide just the right amount of coverage for a casual day. We’re all in a hurry and BB creams are fantastic time-savers, especially for the ladies out there!

JC Premiere took the BB Cream into new heights by introducing the Omni White BB Cream. It has the top whitening agents and high sunscreen protection factor compared to other products in the market. The Omni White BB Cream has a tri-active whitening formulation which consists of Oxidized Glutathione, Alpha-Arbutin and Licorice Extract. It also has Sunscreen Protection Factor of Fifty (50) which protects from two kinds of ultra-violet rays which are UVA and UVB. With the application of Omni White BB Cream, it creates a clear white silky complexion. And take note, it is compatible for all skin types. It’s a cream that don’t just moisturize, it whitens and brightens the skin, corrects and conceals blemishes and protects you from the harmful UV rays of the sun. All of these wonders that your skin needs is found in Omni White BB Cream by JC Premiere. That’s how magic works

Know What You Eat

Why choose Organic Food?

Agribusiness is all about profits, not your health. It is an industry that has developed a system of food production that’s completely forgotten what food is all about: nutrition and health – not to mention taste. It’s gotten so bad that it’s becoming difficult to even call the stuff that agribusiness produces food. It would be more honest if they were to call it “stuff for ingestion” and include a warning label.

The voice of those of us who are not interested in what’s now called “conventional” farming is ever increasing. We’re not interested in consuming chemicals, toxins, or GMOs. What are we interested in? Organic food. Why? It’s better. Here’s a quick list of six reasons why you should make it a point to consume organic whenever possible.


Genetically modified organisms, including GM foods, are a horrible mutation of real food. The claim that GMOs are just like any other method of improving foods is simply nonsense. Never before have genetics been manipulated by taking the genes from one species and inserting them into another.

Animal genes are spliced into plants, and plant genes into animals, something that cannot happen in nature. The claims that GMOs and breeding are virtually identical and safe are clearly nonsense, with studies like the one done by Gilles-Eric Seralini showing that rats fed a diet of Roundup-Ready GM corn developed massive tumors and died younger. Although other countries in the world have rightfully shut the door on GMO junk being sold within their boundaries, organic foods are the only foods that people in America can be reasonably sure are GMO free!

Better Nutrition

Conventionally grown “stuff for ingestion” is produced in played-out soil under the delusion that all the nutrients you require can be replaced by artificially-produced fertilizers. There is a fallacy that bigger and prettier produce is synonymous with healthy produce. The fact is that study after study has proven that organic food is more nutritious. By the way, more nutritious food, usually tastes better, too.

Here are some nutrient facts reported by
– One study showed that organic fruits and veggies contain 27% more vitamin C, 21.1% more iron, 29.3% more magnesium, 13.6% more phosphorus, and 18% more polyphenols.

– Salicylic acid is an important and health-promoting substance. Researchers have found that there is an average of 600% more salicylic acid in organic soups, and that organic carrot and coriander soup contains 1,040 nanograms of it, compared with only 20 nanograms in typical nonorganic soups!

– Organic meats are less fatty, and the fats are healthier.

– The only US beef that has been free of the fatal prion brain disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob, is organic.

The science is clear: organic food is more nutritious.

No Pesticides or Herbicides

Pesticides and herbicides are poison. It’s that simple. Their function is to poison things. Food that’s grown with the use of pesticides and herbicides are, therefore, poisonous. Don’t kid yourself into believing that you can effectively wash it off. You cannot. For lack of better words, it’s in all the nooks and crannies. It’s taken up by the roots and soaked in when it’s sprayed. Nearly all pesticides function by harming the nervous system. So, if you eat foods that were grown by agribusiness, you are eating neurotoxins and gradually poisoning your nervous system. The way to avoid these poisons is to eat only organic foods.

Higher Quality Meat and Dairy

When you see studies claiming that meat is bad for you, take note that they never distinguish between organic husbandry and the stuff that comes from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). If you eat most of the stuff sold for ingestion that supermarkets sell, then you should pay attention, because that stuff is truly bad for you. It’s loaded with antibiotics and other drugs, and it is, frankly, dirty. Animals raised wallowing in their own feces and the stench of old urine are not healthy. If you eat meat that comes from such places, you’re not helping your health.

If you’re going to eat meat, the way to avoid such cruelty to animals and unhealthy meat is simple: Eat only organic and free range meats.

Less Chance of Food-Borne Illness

The news media keeps reporting about massive outbreaks of food-borne illness. Cabbage. Eggs. Fast food restaurants. Spinach. Melons. Peanut butter. The list goes on and on. The more our foods are produced by agribusiness, the more such outbreaks happen.

What the news media fail to report is that virtually every one of these outbreaks is a direct result of agribusiness. Animals in CAFOs are sick. No matter how much they’re vaccinated or drugged, they just get sicker. Factory farms are the primary source of drug-resistant infections. In fact, they were the first source. E. coli was not even considered an infectious bacterium until around 1983. It’s a necessary probiotic found in everyone’s gut. It’s necessary for digestion. The E. coli that causes deadly infections is a mutant caused by CAFOs.

The best way to be safe from food-borne illness is to choose organic foods. The insane rush to sterilize our foods and farms simply makes us less healthy, and ultimately results in the exposure to the worst food-borne illnesses that have ever existed.

Better for Your Conscience

By now, it’s clear that the stuff for ingestion sold in most supermarkets is devastating for our health, devastating for the animals raised for this travesty, and devastating to the environment. So, my final health benefit of eating organic is your conscience.

When you’re aware of the devastation brought by agribusiness to animals and the environment, surely your conscience suffers – and the fact is that a bad conscience is bad for your health. So do yourself a huge favor – make organic food as big a part of your diet as possible. Not only will your health benefit, but so will the rest of the world. In fact, it may be the most important action you ever take.

1. Gilles-Eric Seralini, Emilie Clair, Robin Mesnage, Steeve Gress, Nicolas Defarge, Manuela Malatesta, Didier Hennequin, Joel Spiroux de Vendomois. Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize. Food and Chemical Toxicology. August 2, 2012.
2. Steve Meyerowitz. Are Organic Foods More Nutritious? (Last accessed 2013-09-29)
3. Charlotte Gerber. How Do Pesticides Kill Bugs? (Last accessed 2013-09-29)
4. Union of Concerned Scientists. CAFO’s Uncovered. 2008. (Last accessed 2013-09-29)
5. Heidi Stevenson. Virulent E. coli: A Gift from Agribusiness. June 18, 2013. (Last accessed 2013-09-29)